Tuesday, July 28, 2009

LuPone Power

It's a true statement: I am a Broadway geek! But there's one particular person that I have no idea why she's so popular: Patti LuPone. I mean, what is so great about her? I think her phrasing is all wrong and I just overall hate her voice! And being an Ethel Merman fan, I don't like the fact that LuPone has taken on some of Ethel's best roles and then gotten all the credit. I actually prefer Ethel over Patti (well, obviously!) Plus after hearing the story about her calling out a person who was distracting in the audience, I'm utterly annoyed with this woman. She's just seems like a person who I would never want to meet (and I hope I never do!) Well, if someone can ever explain Patti LuPone's popularity to me, a lot of things would be cleared up.


  1. I think Patti's voice is incredible. She has real technique. Merman was awesome, of course, but all she had was raw power. LuPone has plenty of raw power and excellent technique to channel it.

  2. I can totally understand that! I'm glad though I'm not the only one who still loves Ethel!

  3. Patti certainly has power, but her bizarre phrasing ruins it for me. She'll linger over one phrase, only to rush through the next. She bites off the ends of words, gives others words unnatural emphasis or stress. It's as though she doesn't even listen to the words she sings or try to communicate the emotion in them. She just wants to show off her vocal strength.

  4. Exactly. I mean, I can understand where people love how much power she has, but as I said, the phrasing is terrible. But I can see where people would think that!


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