Sunday, July 19, 2009

Feline Frenzy

Okay, call me crazy: I have never seen a show on Broadway. Sure, I've seen some of the shows on national tour that come to Denver but never Wicked (even though it is my favorite musical!) I haven't even some of the great musicals, like say, Cats. (Now you can let out your gasps of horror.) I always have been a huge fan of Andrew Lloyd Webber (I have seen Jesus Christ Superstar and Phantom of the Opera, so don't worry!) but somehow I have never taken the time to see Cats. And although I'm finally seeing it tonight, I still have this question: why is it so popular?!? While I can't answer this particular question, I'm also trying to figure out why this show was on Broadway for so long (at least Phantom of the Opera deserved it). But based on these two facts, I hope it's worth seeing!


  1. It must be the music. The story is certainly one of the weakest ever. Other than the halfhearted attempt at a plot halfway through the second act (the kidnapping of Old Deuteronomy), nothing happens. It's just a bunch of characters telling you all the interesting things they do offstage.

  2. I know! After seeing it, I was not convinced that it is such a great musical. The young actors were awesome in their perfomance, but they were part of such a bad musical.


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